Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Safe Shopping Tips For The Layman

Actually there are some preparations that we are not easily fooled in online shopping sites. Here are a few:

Know the seller before the transaction

Before shopping online, find out the seller before deciding to trade. Businesses are legally bound to provide clear address and phone number to call if you have a problem. If not, urungkanlah your intentions and seek another place.

Beware of Phishing Action

Online fraudsters typically use a mode of sending spam or messages that seemed to come from the official company or organization. Message content is usually asked to update your account information or validation. Message also contains a link that is usually fixed to the trap sites.

Get References

Look for references to the seller or online store of your friends or associates. It could also seek supplementary information via search engines. Get as much information about the credibility of the seller or online store, before making a transaction.


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