Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Android Popularity Secret

Several years ago, many people are still unfamiliar with Android. But now, slowly his popularity shot. This also happens in Indonesia, where it says smartphone users increasingly interested in using the device with the green robot OS. What's the secret?

In addition to the OS that are not paid, the diversity of the availability of gadgets to choose from, say practitioners gadget Android Lucky Sebastian is a privilege that a charm."Maybe because he's everywhere. If other platforms it's limited. For example, if we are talking about a BlackBerry, then there is no other brand, people would buy a BlackBerry. IPhone, too, and it is expensive, so reaching a bit," he explained. 

According to him, this feature provides many options to make people free to buy the hardware they like. From the famous to the ordinary."People love the Samsung there, there HTC, LG, and even want to brand the middle of nowhere there is also the term. This is what makes Android exist everywhere, people would know," said the man from Bandung. 

He added again, when people talk about the smartphone that occurred first is about the price is expensive. Well, variety selection of Android devices are expensive to cheap, to cover the problem."There's Android could buy several hundred thousand. And when compared to the feature phone, its really far. Although cheap, for example somehow easier for internet connection, and also many interesting applications," he explained.
The same thing happens also in the Android tablet. Indeed, no denying that the Android tablet is quite expensive, the specification is more convenient to use. But now it is starting a lot of cheap Android tablet whose specification includes good enough. 

"The first time Android tablet era begins its components have not been many, so mass production is still constrained. Then turn so fast the processor finally makes a fairly capable processor time now cheaper. So now people have started thinkers even cheaper still better specifications, "he concluded.


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