Sunday, July 1, 2012

Polaroid Z2300, Pocket Camera Plus Photo Printer

Still remember the instant camera photo printer that often carry photographers at various attractions? The maker, Polaroid, has introduced the latest generation of instant cameras that no longer rely on film, but digital media.

Polaroid Z2300, a small pocket camera, the 10 megapixel sensor brings the catch can be saved to SD memory or directly printed on special paper measuring 3 x 2 inches or 7.6 x 5 cm. The time needed to print a photograph is about 30 seconds.

If desired, users can also record HD video (720p) with a pocket camera trap photo printer.

Polaroid Z2300 was introduced on Wednesday (6/27/2012) yesterday and it can be ordered for $ 159 U.S. dollars or about Rp 1.5 million through the Polaroid site. The paper needed to print photos for Polaroid priced at 14.99 U.S. dollars for the package contains 30 sheets and 24.99 U.S. dollars for the package contains 50 sheets.

The plan, this camera will go on sale in stores in August.


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