Wednesday, July 4, 2012

InstaTalks, Instagram Chat Application in IOS

we can not deny, Instagram is one of the most popular photo applications at this time. But unfortunately, it does not allow users to have a private line.

As a result, sometimes found conversations conducted via the comment and could eventually be seen by other users. Well, that's a chat application is to provide opportunities dibesut Instagram users exchange messages with more personal.

Application is called InstaTalks, its presence is still warm in iTunes. As quoted from Cnet, Thursday (07/05/2012), chat application is a new record was released on July 3, 2012 last.

To start a conversation, of course, each must have InstaTalks in appliances. Not only can exchange text messages, the user is also possible to exchange photos.

InstaTalks can run on the device the iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch third and fourth generation, as well as the iPad with IOS 4.0 and above.


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