Tuesday, August 7, 2012

SIM Card Drawer Design of Apple Nano

A photo leaked on the internet, claimed the SIM card drawer design of the Apple nano is pinned on the iPhone 5. Apple looks like it will attempt to 'socialize' controversial design with the latest iPhone.
Previously, it was rumored that the iPhone SIM card 5 will use nano. France is the site of the first NowWhereElse post a photo that allegedly is a SIM card slot on the iPhone nano design drawer 5. As we know, Apple is indeed working on making the design of nano his SIM card slots are standard in the smartphone industry.
from NowWhereElse quoted, Wednesday (08/08/2012), SIM card slot design nano is smaller than a micro SIM card that is currently used in the iPhone 4S. Nano-sized SIM card 40% smaller than the micro SIM card that is 12.3 mm x 8.8 mm x 0.67 mm.
For consumers, the smaller SIM card does not seem to give any advantage. But for smartphone manufacturers, particularly Apple, this will provide more space inside the device.
Small connector is found on the new iPhone design leaked 5 was, believed to be aiming to save space on the iPhone 5 and allow the battery gets a small spaces more easily.
iPhone 5 is expected to be announced on September 12 and go on sale on 21 September. Rumors circulating have been touting the latest series of Apple's smartphone has a larger screen, using the CPU A6, IOS 6, there is a small dock connector and supports 4G LTE and NFC technologies.
Apple is winning the 'battle' to fight for design standards nano SIM card. However, a number of rivals to respond sarcastically.
Nokia even said SIM card slot design of the Apple nano cheap. While Apple wanted a design that uses so-called drawer or tray-based, Nokia, Research In Motion (RIM) and Motorola also objected to the use of this drawer.
While still in the process of fighting for his design of the SIM card nano, Apple has been so confidently announced it would eliminate a design patent is for anyone, if the proposal is received.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

LG Smartphone Quadcore And 10 MP Camera

Soon after the release of Optimus 4X HD, LG reportedly is developing a new smart phone that also uses an 'four brains' alias quadcore.

One difference is, the phone is equipped with an additional camera with higher resolution.

The presence of 4X HD is equipped with 8 MP camera LG apparently has not been satisfactory. Chairman and co-CEO of LG Koo Bon-moo-new cell phone plan will be featuring 10 MP camera.

The arrival of so-called smart phones are also a result of frustration with Bon-Moo, LG did not optimize the technology they have in other divisions of the body corporate.

Though LG is known to be a supplier of tools to companies like Apple and gain success in other business areas such as TV, but when talking handset business, LG still behind Samsung.

It is not known what further specification of other LG phone that was conceived that, except for the processor and camera. Reporting from Slashgear, Tuesday (19/06/2012), the handset market is scheduled to be visited in September.

Source : www.detik.com

Monday, July 9, 2012

Samsung Galaxy Nexus Is On Sale Again

Ban the sale of handset Samsung Galaxy Nexus in the United States was short-lived. The handset can be sold again after Samsung lodged an appeal.

Initially, the judge Lucky Koh of the U.S. District Court to ban the sale of Galaxy Nexus at the request of Apple. Cupertino-based company is convinced that the Galaxy Nexus violated several patents on software technology.

Samsung in the first appeal was rejected by the judge Lucky Koh. But upon closer examination the court may ultimately decide Galaxy Nexus resale.

Apparently, Google has found a solution to avoid Apple's patent claims. They announced the latest version of the
Galaxy Nexus  will directly use the Android operating system 4.1 or Jelly Bean that contains no patent infringement.

However, this decision may still be revoked again. Apple was given until July 12 to accept or not the decision. Similarly, as reported by the Inquirer and quoted on Monday (07/09/2012).


Production Cost Nexus 7 Only Rp 1.7 million or USD 184

Been reported that for the manufacture of the Nexus 7, Google 'mandates' on Asus that should not cost more than USD 200. Actually, how about the cost of production for the tablet PC competitors Kindle the Fire?

To get the answer, TechInsights tools to dissect it, and assesses the overall price. The result? It is estimated that the Nexus 7 production cost of USD 184 or about USD 1.7 million per unit.

This means, both Google and Asus - as a manufacturing partner - get profit $ 15 per device, such as that quoted from SlashGear, Monday (07/09/2012). Nexus 7 itself released on the market at a price of USD 199.

The player who first falls in the realm of the tablet, the Amazon had preached that they do sell Kindle Firenya loss for the tablet. As a result, these products can be obtained at a low price because Amazon wanted merengguk profits from the sale of content-content.

Internet giant Google is now trying to seize the 'cake' of Kindle Fire in the presence of the Nexus 7. Despite not losing money, but Google mentioned will gain much profit from the sale of media as well, especially if linked that the device is designed to allow users to access Google applications store Play.

Reported, the Nexus 7 homescreen contains a lot of widgets that drive users directly to Google's application store, Book store, Movie and Television Show Store, Music Magazine store to store.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

Pedophiles Can be Knowed Through Facebook

Cases of sexual abuse of minors by strangers over the internet rife in almost every part of the world. Most of the actors know and interact with the victim through Facebook. In order to prevent untoward incidents, there is a Facebook application that can detect the presence of pedophiles.
Today's teens have more virtual friends on social networking site Facebook than friends in the real world. It is common for teenagers if 1,000 people have more friends on Facebook. Most of them have never met in real life.
To guard against any possibility of bad that can happen, researchers at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) in Israel to develop applications for Facebook users and parents to filter out the possibility of many pedophiles cyber friends with just one click.
This application has three different levels of filtering your friends. The first level identifies Facebook friends that have the potential to be a threat and limited access to view profiles. Second, expanding Facebook's privacy settings based on different usage profiles. Third, warned of a number of applications installed that are supposed to access the account owner's personal information.
This software analyzes your friends on Facebook to distinguish the relations of friendship based on the number of messages sent, pictures that are tagged along, the group that followed and the many friends who belong together.
The smaller the criteria established, the lower the level of friendship relations. This application is then signed up a few friends who have very low scores and recommend to unfriend her friends suspected.
This application was originally created to detect the presence of pedophiles, but researchers found that these applications can also be used to find people who have fake accounts. Researchers were inspired to make this application after seeing the profiles at several different social networking sites.
After analyzing the image owner's account, investigators may find that the images are displayed on the profile was derived from a different country of origin where the account owner.
Parents and adolescents Facebook users generally find it difficult to find a way to set the privacy level. For people who can not wait, this application can help alleviate difficulties by limiting the interaction between friends on Facebook directly.
"Our application is the opposite of what Facebook wants. Service encourages users to make friends with many people as possible, but we recommend limiting the number of friends and give an algorithm to determine who should be removed from the list of friends. But we believe that this application be approved, "said Michael Fire, the originator of this application as reported by Medical Daily, Sunday (07/08/2012).
The application is called Social Privacy Protector (SPP) and is available in Mozilla Firefox browser to download. Currently, Facebook was reviewing whether the application is fit for use on the site.


Kindle Fire 2 will be supported HD Display & Camera

Ready to enliven the tablet computer tablet market is the second-generation Kindle Fire is rumored to be made ​​lighter and thinner than its predecessor.

This refers to the AllThingsD site that claims to get information from a source familiar with Amazon's plans. Stated that a 7-inch tablet will be shipped in the next few months.

Another speculation is that the resolution of the screen appears to be dibekalkan. Amazon will presumably increase the resolution to 1280 x 800 pixels. Fire the first generation Kindle itself has a display with a resolution of 1024 x 600 pixels.

Quoted from MSNBC on Monday (09.07.2012), add another specification that will be implanted Amazon is the tablet PC will come with front-facing camera.

The news about the screen resolution on the line with earlier rumors that had burst, despite the rumors and said that the Kindle Fire II will appear at the end of this month.

Also not clear what changes were made to the Amazon on its appliances, but it is likely that Amazon will use the chip is more speeding and more beautiful graphics.


BlackBerry App World reach more than 3 Billion Downloads

RIM announced a significant achievement BlackBerry App World application store. BlackBerry manufacturer claims the amount of download apps in BlackBerry App World has just exceeded 3 billion.

Quoted from TechRadar, Monday (07/09/2012), that number reached in the period of 1172 days. On average, the number of downloads each day in the range of 2.5 million times.

"More importantly, the daily download rate continues to rise. It took 786 days to reach 1 billion, 210 times to reach 2 billion and only 176 days to reach the 3 billion downloads," said RIM.

Canadian-based company said it currently there are about 90 thousand apps in BlackBerry App World. However, when compared with competitors, achieving App World is still lagging behind.

In comparison, Apple's App Store has about 650 thousand applications. Number of download until March and has reached about 25 billion times. Play while the first named Google Android Market has 600 thousand applications by about 20 billion times the download.
